Wählen Sie die LED nach Wachstumsgröße/Abdeckung aus
Spider Farmer® SF2000 LED 200W Cover 60cmx120cm Samsung LM301H EVO Chips Grow Light
€179,99 EUR
€349,99 EUR
Spider Farmer® Upgraded SE5000 480 W Abdeckung 120 x 120 cm Samsung LED Grow Light
€499,99 EUR
€599,99 EUR
New Spider Farmer SE7000 730W Led Grow Light Samsung LM301H EVO Horticulture Commercial Lampe
€649,99 EUR
€789,99 EUR
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Certificate of Authorized Dealer
Mars Hydro Official Distributor
Representative: Bruce
Spider Farmer Official Distributor
Representative: Judy
G-Tools Official Distributor
Fluence Official Distributor
Representative: Reinhild
In just 5 minutes, this guide will help beginners navigate through the diverse world of LED grow lights,
How much PPFD is required during the seedling, vegetative, and blooming stages?
Cannabis Home growers and commercial growers have different PPFD requirements.
How Are the Intensity and Coverage of LED Grow Lights Measured?
There is also a relationship between Led grow lights' intensity and the area they cover, which is very important.