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Lumatek Zeus 465W Pro 2.9 LED for 120x120cm Grow Area, up to 2.9 µmol/J

€926,99 EUR €975,99 EUR

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ZEUS 465W PRO 2.9

Lumatek Zeus 465W Pro 2.9 LED producing a PPF of 1353 µmol/s and a very high efficacy of up to 2.9 µmol/J


EFFICACY: up to 2.9 µmol/J
PPF: 1353 µmol/s
INPUT VOLTAGE: 220-240V, 50-60Hz
INPUT POWER: 475W (±5%)
FOOTPRINT: 1.2x1.2m
LIFETIME: +60 000 hrs
LIGHT SOURCE: Higher Spec Osram and Lumileds Diodes
DIMMABLE: OFF-25%-50%-75%-100% with 0-10V Light Dimmer (Included)
EXTERNAL CONTROL: With Lumatek Digital Panel Plus 2.0
DIMENSIONS: 998x900x51.9mm
SPECTRUM: Full Spectrum F

In 2020 The Lumatek Zeus 465W Pro stunned the grow lighting industry with its power, practicality and beauty.

Now, in 2021, Lumatek brings you even closer to the perfect LED fixture for 1.2×1.2m coverage, the Zeus 465W Pro 2.9. Get ready to grow, The brightest just got brighter.

The higher specification Lumatek Zeus 465W Pro 2.9 LED is a linear multi-light bar fixture producing very high levels of PPF of 1353 µmol/s and a Efficacy of up to 2.9 µmol/J.

The fixture efficacy will vary depending on the Input Voltage used.

Pioneers of the innovative, modular, magnetic LED light bar design.

With the advances in technology and fixture performance, high quality LED horticultural lighting is now a credible option offering significant return on investment to cultivators. Lumatek full spectrum horticultural LED solutions balance light quality (spectra) with light quantity (intensity and duration) ensuring an even light distribution and uniform spread.

The array of the Lumatek Zeus 465 Pro 2.9 creates a uniform spread of light at short distance to the crop enabling single source grow lighting 1.2m2 perfect coverage for multi-layer cultivation systems, single benches in low rooms and grow tents.

Lumatek brings you even closer to the perfect LED fixture for 1.2×1.2m coverage. The brightest just got brighter.

The new 2.9 line of Zeus is built using high quality Lumatek drivers and latest generation higher efficiency top bin LEDs from Lumileds and Osram, generating a full-spectrum light source ideal for veg and flowering cycles. Another new feature of this line is the Clear Glue protection cover technology on the LED bars; resulting in higher light transmittance of 99% without light loss, extended lifetime of diodes, extra corrosion resistance and high waterproof of IP65. For basic maintenance, simply clean the bars with wet cotton.

For different cultivars, propagation and vegetative growth periods the Zeus 465W Pro 2.9 may be dimmed without losing efficiency. The high efficiency and low powered LED configuration with 5 LED bars reduces the temperature of the LEDs increasing the output and improving light maintenance.

External Control

This Lumatek LED fixture can also be externally controlled with a Lumatek digital lighting controller (Digital Panel Plus 2.0) featuring light timing, automated dimming (1% increments), temperature safety control, Sunrise & Sunset Mode for up to 100 fixtures per controller.

Lumatek Control Panel Plus 2.0

Universal Control Systems Compatibility

Lumatek LED Fixtures can be fully controlled with either the Lumatek Digital Panel Plus 2.0 or with any other Control System that utilises 0-10V output signal. Even if your Universal Controller has an RJ port interface, you can still run our LEDs by using a signal converter RJ to 0-10V control adaptor.

Do you have a Zeus 465W Pro and are wondering if you can upgrade it for the Zeus 465W Pro 2.9 without buying a full new fixture? 

The answer is YES, you can! You simply have to buy the 93W Pro 2.9 Replacement LED Bars. Ideally, we recommend you to upgrade all six bars by removing all five 93W Pro Bars and replace them for five Lumatek 93W Pro 2.9 LED Replacement Bar, Product Code: LUMM0030.  If you are unable to replace and purchase all five bars, the minimum we recommend per Zeus 465W Pro is 3 units, otherwise you may face input current disparities. 


- Very high efficacy up to 2.9 µmol/s/J
- Very high PPF output for high intensity 1353 µmol/s
- New Clear Glue protection cover technology on LED bars
- Top bin LEDs
- Balanced full spectrum
- External control with Lumatek Control Panel Plus 2.0
- Replaceable 93W Pro 2.9 magnet light bars
- Fully Dimmable
- User friendly Plug & Play Assembling
- Detachable driver for remote use
- 5 Year Warranty

- 5 x Lumatek 93W Pro 2.9 Full-Spectrum Magnet Light Bars
- 1 x Lumatek 465W Pro 2.9 Driver with Connecting Cables
- 1 x LED Structure with Connecting Cables
- 1 x 0-10V Light Dimmer + Velcro
- 2 x Metal Cable Hangers
- 1 x Manual

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