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Mars Hydro 60x60x140cm Indoor Grow Tent

€84,99 EUR

√ Trasport Ħieles mill-UE & Ebda Taxxa tad-Dwana

√ 1% -3% Off għal 2-4 PCS riflessi fil-karrettun.

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Below is a list of our bank details:

Account name: Fast Grow Store Daily Necessities Company
IBAN: DE73202208000030075064
Bank name: Banking Circle S.A. –German Branch
Swift/BIC code: SXPYDEHH
Type of account: Business Account
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Power Cord:

For products with a power cord, we provide a 220V European style cord.

PS: Customers in Ireland will also receive an EU plug. You can replace it with a plug adapter. When purchasing a UK plug adapter, ensure that you can insert the EU plug you received into the adapter.

Garanzija tal-Prezz

Għandna l-orħos prezzijiet fuq l-internet. Jekk issib ħanut online ieħor bi prezz aktar baxx minna fi żmien 7 ijiem mid-data tax-xiri tiegħek, jekk jogħġbok avżana u aħna nirrimborsaw id-differenza.

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Noffru skont ta' 1-3% għal 2--4 biċċiet.L-iskontijiet jiġu applikati awtomatikament fil-karrettun (l-iskontijiet ma jiġbrux).

Jekk għandek bżonn aktar minn pcs, jekk jogħġbok ibgħatilna inkjesta għal kwotazzjoni aktar preċiża.

Mars Hydro 60x60x140cm Grow tent for indoor Veg Flower

marshydro-grow tent 200-200-240marshydro-grow tent 200-200-240marshydro-grow tent 200-200-240marshydro-growtents-2x2(60x60x140marshydro-grow tent 200-200-240marshydro-grow tent 200-200-2402x2tent with suggested fan and light

Mars Hydro tent blocks all light from escaping. Nylon explosion-proof zippers & double stitching and double-channel port housing to protect against light leaks. A detachable mylar bottom shell and a 95% light-proof, tear-resistant, reflective mylar lining increase the intensity of the lamps and retain heat to keep the tent at the right temperature for plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables.

Mars Hydro indoor grow tent uses 1680D Oxford cloth and heavy-duty zippers to prevent light leaks, capable of holding 1-3 plants in a variety of empty spaces in the home such as wardrobes, cupboards, balconies…usually applied as a separate nursery for seedling and veg room.

  • Extra Thick Oxford – The Hydroponics Grow Crate is made from 1680D Oxford fabric, tear proof and double stitched. A touch convinced of the highest quality. The interior is highly reflective mylar-film, which makes an efficiency boost for lighting setups every configuration. And the surface of the tent is environmental friendly, non-toxic, no smell.
  • Strong metal frame – 100% durable metal frame. The diameter of the steel tube is 16 mm. The steel tube with metal push-lock corners, supports and reinforces the thick roller-tent, so it stands firmly and ensures safety and stability. High quality metal corner connectors, not easy to damage, more stable and stronger than the plastic.
  • Strong light proof – our tent blocks all light from escaping. Because Nylon explosion-proof zippers & double stitching and double-channel port housing to protect against light leaks. And detachable mylar bottom shell and a 95% light-proof, tear-resistant, reflective mylar lining increase the intensity of the lamps and retain heat to keep the tent at the right temperature for plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables.
  • Popular Grow Tool – Indoor planting special tents, used with plant lights and ventilation and other devices together, is now the most popular cultivation methods. Not affected by seasons and light, plants, fruits and etc. can plant in cold or lack of sunshine place. Also, you can be free to control temperature, humidity, light, etc., to eliminate or reduce the destruction of pests.


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Michael S

Just got my first growtent.
I was surprised. It was in much better quality and thicker fabric than I expected.
Easy to put up, just follow the instructions that came on a paper, and it's up in less than 10 minutes.
And it looks good from the outside too.