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Spider Farmer G3000 LED 300W Cover 90x90cm Bridgelux Chips Grow light

€209,99 EUR €329,99 EUR

√ Trasport Ħieles mill-UE & Ebda Taxxa tad-Dwana

√ 1% -3% Off għal 2-4 PCS riflessi fil-karrettun.

*Għandek bżonn 5pcs jew aktar? Ikseb Kwotazzjoni

Żid mal-karrettun għal Offerta Speċjali fil-qiegħ tal-karrettun

Gwida tal-Ħlas

We accept credit/debit cards, bank transfers, and bitcoin for payment

When you pay with a credit or debit card, you can place your order directly online.

If you want to pay via bank transfer or bitcoin, please email us at info@fastgrowstore.eu, and we will send you an invoice with our Bitcoin wallet address or bank account information for payment and offer you extra discount.

Below is a list of our bank details:

Account name: Fast Grow Store Daily Necessities Company
IBAN: DE73202208000030075064
Bank name: Banking Circle S.A. –German Branch
Swift/BIC code: SXPYDEHH
Type of account: Business Account
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Aħna kburin li noffru l-prodotti tal-ogħla kwalità mill-aqwa manifatturi fis-suq. Jekk xi darba jkun hemm problema bil-prodotti tiegħek jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja lil service@fastgrowstore.eu bl-informazzjoni li ġejja:

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  3. Deskrizzjoni Qasira tal-Kwistjoni
  4. Jistgħu jkunu meħtieġa wkoll ritratti – ara d-dettalji tal-garanzija tal-manifattur hawn taħt.

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Shipping cost:

We can offer free shipping to the following European countries:

Germany, United Kindom,Finland, Spain,Netherland, Portugal, Poland, Estonia, Ireland, Sweden, Lithuania, Finland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Belgium , France, Greece, Italy, Czech Republic.

A small amount of shipping fee will be charged when we ship to Malta.

Power Cord:

For products with a power cord, we provide a 220V European style cord.

PS: Customers in Ireland will also receive an EU plug. You can replace it with a plug adapter. When purchasing a UK plug adapter, ensure that you can insert the EU plug you received into the adapter.

Garanzija tal-Prezz

Għandna l-orħos prezzijiet fuq l-internet. Jekk issib ħanut online ieħor bi prezz aktar baxx minna fi żmien 7 ijiem mid-data tax-xiri tiegħek, jekk jogħġbok avżana u aħna nirrimborsaw id-differenza.

Titlifx il-kupun tal-bejgħ fil-qiegħ tal-karrettun tax-xiri jekk ikun hemm kwalunkwe promozzjoni. Żieda ta' oġġetti mal-karrettun tax-xiri tiegħek Issa.

Noffru skont ta' 1-3% għal 2--4 biċċiet.L-iskontijiet jiġu applikati awtomatikament fil-karrettun (l-iskontijiet ma jiġbrux).

Jekk għandek bżonn aktar minn pcs, jekk jogħġbok ibgħatilna inkjesta għal kwotazzjoni aktar preċiża.


PPE: 2.75 µmol/J
HPS/MH Replace: 450W
Coverage: Flower Coverage: 3′X3′, Veg Coverage: 4′X4′
Grow Tent Compatible: 90x90x180cm 
Recommended Fan Size: 4-Inch 
Supplemental UV & IR Light Bar: 40W UV & IR LED Grow Light Bar 

What is the difference between the G series and SE series?

For growers who are working within a limited budget but require high returns, the G Series is the best choice.

The G Series features Bridgelux diodes, while the SE Series is equipped with Samsung diodes. Both of these brands are well-known in the industry and are considered reliable. Samsung is renowned as a leading diode manufacturer, while Bridgelux is a local American manufacturer with 21 years of experience.


  • MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY AND UNIFORM LIGHT: The Spider Farmer G3000 led grow light provides uniform canopy coverage, with 896 high-efficiency diodes and 300 watts of power. Achieving an impressive PPE of 2.75umol/J, it covers 90x90cm feet of plant growth throughout the cycle.
  • ADVANCED FULL SPECTRUM: The G3000 is a full spectrum LED grow light with different wavelengths of light, generating natural sunlight. It improves output and bud quality, perfect for every stage of plant growth.
  • DIMMING DAISY CHAIN: The dimming button adjusts brightness and supports up to 60 lights to dim at the same time. Highly recommended for use in grow rooms, home growing, DWC and hydroponics.
  • FAST COOLING & DETACHABLE DRIVER: The bar style design and aluminum heat sink on the back benefit air circulation and fast heat dissipation. The removable driver and 8.5-foot power cord extend the life of the grow light. The waterproof coating protects it from safe operation in wet conditions.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews

You won’t regret it! and the staff is very responsible and responsive!


Seems to work as advertised. 2 months in. No complaints. All parts were present. Easy to set up and operate. Instructions pretty thorough.