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Spider Farmer® Upgraded SE7000 LED 730W Cover 150x150cm Samsung LM301B Chips Grow Light

€659,99 EUR €829,99 EUR

√ Trasport Ħieles mill-UE & Ebda Taxxa tad-Dwana

√ 1% -3% Off għal 2-4 PCS riflessi fil-karrettun.

*Għandek bżonn 5pcs jew aktar? Ikseb Kwotazzjoni

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Account name: Fast Grow Store Daily Necessities Company
IBAN: DE73202208000030075064
Bank name: Banking Circle S.A. –German Branch
Swift/BIC code: SXPYDEHH
Type of account: Business Account
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Power Cord:

For products with a power cord, we provide a 220V European style cord.

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Garanzija tal-Prezz

Għandna l-orħos prezzijiet fuq l-internet. Jekk issib ħanut online ieħor bi prezz aktar baxx minna fi żmien 7 ijiem mid-data tax-xiri tiegħek, jekk jogħġbok avżana u aħna nirrimborsaw id-differenza.

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Jekk għandek bżonn aktar minn pcs, jekk jogħġbok ibgħatilna inkjesta għal kwotazzjoni aktar preċiża.


Power Draw: 730W

PPE: 2.8umol/J

Coverage: 120x120cm, 150x150cm

 SE7000 led grow light, perfect for commercial indoor plant growing, high-quality horticulture commercial lampe

What’s new about the 2023 version: New Logo; New dimmer knob, when the knob is turned to 0%, the light will turn off.

High Efficacy & Maximum Yields: Coming with 2688pcs Diodes, the output and efficiency of Spider Farmer SE7000 LED grow light operate at 730 watts with an output of 1920 µmol s-1, achieving an amazing efficacy of 2.8µmol s-1 per watt, promising your maximum yields and profits. Suit 150x150x200cm indoor grow tent, 6-inch inline fan carbon filter kits. 
Dimming Daisy Chain Function: SE7000 can connect up to 15 lights to work together, and control all lights with one controller, convenient for you to use. Besides, the dimming function provides you with different lighting levels throughout their growth cycles as needed.
Uniform PPFD Output & Heat Dissipation: The 8-bar LED growing light maintains a large coverage footprint (Recommend 5x5ft(150x150cm) for Personal Flower footprint and 4x4ft(120x120cm)for Commercial footprint), and also provides uniform PPFD output. Passive-cooled bars, aluminum heat-sink, and excellent Meanwell driver perform better in heat dispersing & lifespan.
Professional Commercial Plant Grow Lamp: SPIDER FARMER SE7000 full spectrum growing light is widely suitable for all crops, perfect for almost scenes such as commercial, home, grow tent, and grow room

Spider Farmer SE7000 730W LED-New Verion SE7000-PPFD MAP SE7000-Spectrum Ratio Uniform Coverage-SE7000 730W LED Using Tips-SE7000 730W LED Dimming-Daisy-Chain-SE7000-73 SE7000-Features Extension cord-SE7000 730W LED Indoor grow tent-SE7000+5x5FT Vertical Growing-SE7000 LED

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

My experience was extremely positive and I will shop here again.
Thanks for all the help


Just ordered and waiting on My next SE7000.Already been shipped out,and this will be My 4th.Cant wait to see what I pull with all 4.


Best light. Dont need alot in veg and in flower it packs a punch at full power on dimmer. Canopy is very even. Great customer service got answers quick and issue resolved. Will deffinetly get more in the futre.


Good light/Great customer service from fastgrowstore.eu. The customer service is amazing,amazing.The light itself is great too