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Tbaħħir Ħieles Mill-UE, Ebda Taxxa Doganali */*Ikklikkja Hawnhekk biex tara l-Bejgħ tas-Sajf

Mars Hydro iFresh 6-Inch (15cm) Smart Inline Duct Fan and Carbon Filter Combo with Speed Controller

€199,99 EUR €229,99 EUR

√ Trasport Ħieles mill-UE & Ebda Taxxa tad-Dwana

√ 1% -3% Off għal 2-4 PCS riflessi fil-karrettun.

*Għandek bżonn 5pcs jew aktar? Ikseb Kwotazzjoni

Żid mal-karrettun għal Offerta Speċjali fil-qiegħ tal-karrettun

Gwida tal-Ħlas

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Below is a list of our bank details:

Account name: Fast Grow Store Daily Necessities Company
IBAN: DE73202208000030075064
Bank name: Banking Circle S.A. –German Branch
Swift/BIC code: SXPYDEHH
Type of account: Business Account
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Power Cord:

For products with a power cord, we provide a 220V European style cord.

PS: Customers in Ireland will also receive an EU plug. You can replace it with a plug adapter. When purchasing a UK plug adapter, ensure that you can insert the EU plug you received into the adapter.

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Għandna l-orħos prezzijiet fuq l-internet. Jekk issib ħanut online ieħor bi prezz aktar baxx minna fi żmien 7 ijiem mid-data tax-xiri tiegħek, jekk jogħġbok avżana u aħna nirrimborsaw id-differenza.

Titlifx il-kupun tal-bejgħ fil-qiegħ tal-karrettun tax-xiri jekk ikun hemm kwalunkwe promozzjoni. Żieda ta' oġġetti mal-karrettun tax-xiri tiegħek Issa.

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Jekk għandek bżonn aktar minn pcs, jekk jogħġbok ibgħatilna inkjesta għal kwotazzjoni aktar preċiża.


Fan/Duct/Filter Size: 6 Inch
Airflow: 402CFM
Noise: 32dBA
Controller Type: Speed Controller & APP Smart Control

The Mars Hydro 6” Smart Ventilation Kit features a 6″ inline duct fan that is controlled by the APP and a highly-efficient charcoal filter, providing you with an intelligent cooling and filtration system for your grow tent to regulate and purify the airflow and cliamte in your grow room.

Package Includes:

 4-inch iFresh inline duct fan, carbon filter, duct, steel hoops *3, Knob Controller, Temperature and Humidity Sensor


The Mars Hydro iFresh 6-inch inline fan boasts a PWM-controlled EC motor and mixed-flow design, which allows it to provide up to 402 CFM of airflow with low noise. This makes it capable of ventilating and cooling grow tents measuring 4×4 feet and 5×5 feet in size.

The Mars Hydro carbon filter is crafted using activated charcoal, which effectively eliminates unwanted odors, pungent smells, and particulates from growing tents and rooms. The filter’s double-sided steel mesh body provides a 53% open area for airflow, enabling the odor absorption and elimination process to be carried out thoroughly. It’s important to note that the carbon filter is covered by a prefilter cloth, which should not be removed during use.

By downloading the Mars Hydro app, indoor growers can connect to the iFresh 6-inch inline duct fan and enjoy smart features such as OTA remote control, alarms, climate triggers, and loop timers, all of which can be accessed with just a few clicks on their smartphone. Fan speed and on/off functions can also be controlled with a simple touch of a finger. (By the way, growers can also use the speed controller that comes with the fan to control the it)

The Mars Hydro iFresh 6-inch inline fan is equipped with a probe sensor that enables real-time monitoring of key climate data such as temperature and relative humidity on the app screen. This feature can be accessed from anywhere, whether you are near your grow unit or not. When the duct fan is in operation, growers can also easily view the fan speed (RPM) and airflow (CFM) and climate data on the app screen, providing a clear picture of their environment’s conditions.
With the loop timing schedule feature, growers can set a start time and duration for the Mars Hydro iFresh 6″ inline fan to begin working automatically at that time each day and complete its task at the end of the duration.
Using the climate trigger feature, growers have the option to select another automatic setting. By setting a “safe range” of temperature and humidity, the inline fan will automatically operate at maximum speed when the temperature or humidity falls outside of that range. This ensures that the grow room always maintains an optimal climate without frequent adjustment.
The iFresh smart inline fan is equipped with an alarms and notifications feature that immediately sends alerts to your phone when it detects any suspicious behavior or triggers that you have set. This allows growers to stay informed of any changes happening in the grow room.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Maaike Mulder

The product is great and for a very good price. When I need something for my grow stuff I will keep fastgrowstore.eu in mind.