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Tbaħħir Ħieles Mill-UE, Ebda Taxxa Doganali */*Ikklikkja Hawnhekk biex tara l-Bejgħ tas-Sajf

2024 Upgrade Spider Farmer® 120x60x180cm Complete Grow Tent Kit丨SF2000 301H EVO Full Spectrum LED Grow Light丨6” Clip Fan丨4” Ventilation System with Speed Controller

€409,99 EUR €559,99 EUR

√ Trasport Ħieles mill-UE & Ebda Taxxa tad-Dwana

√ 1% -3% Off għal 2-4 PCS riflessi fil-karrettun.

*Għandek bżonn 5pcs jew aktar? Ikseb Kwotazzjoni

Żid mal-karrettun għal Offerta Speċjali fil-qiegħ tal-karrettun

Gwida tal-Ħlas

We accept credit/debit cards, bank transfers, and bitcoin for payment

When you pay with a credit or debit card, you can place your order directly online.

If you want to pay via bank transfer or bitcoin, please email us at info@fastgrowstore.eu, and we will send you an invoice with our Bitcoin wallet address or bank account information for payment and offer you extra discount.

Below is a list of our bank details:

Account name: Fast Grow Store Daily Necessities Company
IBAN: DE73202208000030075064
Bank name: Banking Circle S.A. –German Branch
Swift/BIC code: SXPYDEHH
Type of account: Business Account
Garanzija u Ritorn

Aħna kburin li noffru l-prodotti tal-ogħla kwalità mill-aqwa manifatturi fis-suq. Jekk xi darba jkun hemm problema bil-prodotti tiegħek jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja lil service@fastgrowstore.eu bl-informazzjoni li ġejja:

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  3. Deskrizzjoni Qasira tal-Kwistjoni
  4. Jistgħu jkunu meħtieġa wkoll ritratti – ara d-dettalji tal-garanzija tal-manifattur hawn taħt.

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Vapur & Ikkanċella l-ordni

Shipping cost:

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Most products ship within 1 to 2 business days from the date of your order. We will send you tracking information as soon as it is available. If 5 days has gone by and you do not have tracking information yet, please reach out to us.

Power Cord:

For products with a power cord, we provide a 220V European style cord.

PS: Customers in Ireland will also receive an EU plug. You can replace it with a plug adapter. When purchasing a UK plug adapter, ensure that you can insert the EU plug you received into the adapter.

Garanzija tal-Prezz

Għandna l-orħos prezzijiet fuq l-internet. Jekk issib ħanut online ieħor bi prezz aktar baxx minna fi żmien 7 ijiem mid-data tax-xiri tiegħek, jekk jogħġbok avżana u aħna nirrimborsaw id-differenza.

Titlifx il-kupun tal-bejgħ fil-qiegħ tal-karrettun tax-xiri jekk ikun hemm kwalunkwe promozzjoni. Żieda ta' oġġetti mal-karrettun tax-xiri tiegħek Issa.

Noffru skont ta' 1-3% għal 2--4 biċċiet.L-iskontijiet jiġu applikati awtomatikament fil-karrettun (l-iskontijiet ma jiġbrux).

Jekk għandek bżonn aktar minn pcs, jekk jogħġbok ibgħatilna inkjesta għal kwotazzjoni aktar preċiża.


●Suitable for housing 2 to 4 plants throughout their full cycle. Alternatively, it can accommodate 6 to 8 smaller plants during the vegetable stage.
●Cost-effective and hassle-free way to create an indoor grow room.
●Eliminates the guesswork and stress of determining the right equipment setup for your tent.
●Provides a complete setup, saving you time and effort.

What’s included in our carefully selected package:
1 × SF-2000 301H EVO Full Spectrum LED Grow Light, 1 × 120x60x180 cm Grow Tent, 1 × 4” Inline Duct Fan, 1 × 4” Carbon filter, 1 × 6” Clip Fan, 1 × Flex Air Aluminum Ducting, 3 × Hose Clamps, 1 × Fan Speed Controller, 1 × Thermometer and Hygrometer, 1 × Timer, 4 × 5 Gallon Grow Bags, 1 × Trellis Plant Netting, 2 x Seed Tray, 2 x Coner Shelves, 2 x Duct Filter Vent Cover, 2 × Adjustable Rope Clip Hanger

What’s included in our carefully selected package:

1 × SF-2000 301H EVO Full Spectrum LED Grow Light:
Boasting an impressive efficiency rating of 3.14 µmol/J PPE per diode. With superior light quality and an increased light output per LED, they harness a more potent blue spectrum, all while achieving a level of efficiency unattainable by non-EVO LEDs.

2 × Adjustable Rope Clip Hangers:
These hangers enable you to adjust the lamp’s height according to your plants’ growth needs.

1 × 2′X4′ Grow Tent:
This Spider Farmer grow tent has a rigid tent frame and a fabric outer cover that makes it easy to set up and control atmosphere and lighting, as well as provide a bit of privacy.

1 × 4′′ Inline Duct Fan, 1 × 4′′ Carbon Filter, 1 × Flex Air Aluminum Ducting, 3 × Hose Clamps (connectors for fixing fans and Ducting):
Proper ventilation eliminates odors and ensures a healthy growing environment. Carbon filters and fans come in handy when you want to enjoy your garden’s scent without others smelling it.

1 × Fan Speed Controller:
The fan speed controller is essential for the optimal growth of your plants as it allows you to set your fan speed freely.

1 × Thermometer and Hygrometer:
The Thermo-Hygrometer is a must-have for all growers. It is one of the most cost-effective ways to monitor the environment in your grow room. You will have reliable access to the temperature and humidity of your grow room or grow tent and can easily adjust the atmosphere for your most abundant and potent harvest yet.

1 × Timer:
Automate your planting with this timer by setting it to turn your lights on or off at specific times.

1 × Trellis Plant Netting:
Trellis netting directs plant growth and supports branch and bud weight, promoting a wider canopy with more bud sites.

4 × 5 Gallon Grow Bags:
Fabric garden pots prevent plants from becoming root-bound and offer better drainage and aeration for better oxygen regulation, making them suitable for hydroponic applications and reusable.

1 x 6″ Clip Fan:
Designed to mimic natural breezes for stronger stems and improved plant growth. It offers enhanced protection against mold, rot, mildew, and pests, while optimizing heat and humidity for accelerated growth and abundant yields.

2 x Seed Tray:
Spider Farmer tray offers unparalleled protection to the roots and soil, ensuring the integrity of your precious plants. With its bendable material, releasing soil has never been simpler.

2 x Corner Shelves: Convenient for placing cameras or temperature and humidity sensors inside the tent.

2 x Duct Filter Vent Covers: These covers can effectively block dust and insects, extending the lifespan of inline fan and carbon filter.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews

I saw results faster than I expected! The seeds started sprouting within just a few days, and the growth process has been smooth.

Hugo Soares

Spider Farmer® 60x120cm Complete Grow Kits丨SF2000 LED丨4” Ventilation with Smart Controller


It is a great light for 60x120cm grow size, get some great yields